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Beelitz Heilstätten (Pavilion, Lab, Kitchen)

2021 (Germany)

For one glorious weekend, my fellow explorer and photographer friend Martin & I made the trip back to Beelitz Heilstatten to see as many of the buildings as possible. We started with a tour of the kitchen, the laundry room / laboratory and the Women's pavilion & were finally able to shoot some of the most memorable images from this incredible location.

There is an atmosphere in the buildings at Beelitz that I've never really seen matched - for a lot of Urbex photographers it remains their first love.

You may also enjoy the following galleries:

Beelitz Heilstätten (Admin, Bathhouse)

Beelitz Heilstätten (Alpenhaus)

Beelitz Heilstätten (Pavilion & Clinic)

Heilstätte Grabowsee

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